If you have read my latest book, you have seen that it is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Caroline Easley. Most of what I want to say to her is in that, so this isn't a message for her. Instead, I want to memorialize some of her life, and share a few details of who she was as a person.
August 16, 1962-November 1st, 2022
Mom was a woman of faith. For as long as I've known her, Jesus had been at the forefront of her life. Our most important subjects in school was bible study, and is undoubtedly the reason she chose to homeschool her kids. She wanted to make sure we all had an understanding of who God was, and why Jesus' sacrifice was important. She did an amazing job in that capacity; at least, to me she did.
Church was a constant; she consistently attended sunday services, sang louder than anyone else, and made friends with every preacher who would sit and listen for awhile. A story that her last preacher shared with me at her funeral was when he first started at Church. He didn't know anyone, and was just getting himself established. My mom called him one day, and talked with him for over an hour (as she would with anyone who had the privilege of picking up the phone). After hanging up the phone, he told his daughter he had a new hero in life. Mom was that kind of inspiration.
Above anything on Earth, Mom loved being a grandma most of all. She held such an impact on all of her grandkids lives. For awhile after she died, my nephew would still look around for her to get some gummy snacks from her. All of my nieces and nephews lost something that could never be replaced when she went. I only hope that the younger ones retain enough memories of her.
I could fill a novel with her little things she always did. Singing as loud as she could when she didn't know the lyrics, saying the funniest jokes when she's trying to be serious, and all the restaurants she frequented with her sisters for some gossip. Instead, I'll share what meant most to me. She was always proud of my writing. Her quote about The Past Catches:
"I'm not really sure what's going on in this book, it confuses me, but I love it anyway. It has my name on it."
May she always rest in peace, and may this world somehow find a way to live with a little less light.
-C.J. Easley